sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

First mover up again

The composite index for the eurozone goes up to -16.8 points from -18.8 last month. This is its fourth increase in a row. The 909 surveyed investors display almost no change in their assessment of the current situation while their 6-months-expectations improve further. With the year ending, the expectations index has reached its highest reading in 2012. Outstanding increases in the economic expectations sub-indices are registered for Germany and for Japan. It is, once more, mainly institutional investors who are behind these developments. 


Confidence rises again

The composite index for the euro zone rises in November for the third time in a row. This time, both the economic situation and the expectations index contribute to this development. The indices for the US and Asia ex Japan are able to gain even more than the one for the euro area. Once more, the view of the institutionals brightens more than that of private investors. 


Further improved expectations signal trend reversal

The composite index for Euroland rises in October for the second time in a row. Once again, the positive development in expectations is the supporting pillar for the improvement in the composite index. Expectations have even risen for a third time in a row, signaling a trend reversal. This pattern can also be found in the Global Index. For Germany, we find a special phenomenon: the doubters are currently the institutional investors, beforehand, they were to be found amongst private investors.


Die wohlkonditionierte EZB-Bazooka betört die Anleger

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Was sich letzten Monat bereits andeutete, hat sich nun bestätigt: Die Konjunkturerwartungen für Euroland drehen nach oben. Im September war die Aufwärtsbewegung aber deutlich stärker. Auch verbessern sich jetzt die Konjunkturerwartungen für alle übrigen von sentix erhobenen Länder und Regionen und lassen sogar die Gesamtindizes mit Ausnahme Japans überall steigen. Zu verdanken ist dies wohl vor allem der Europäischen Zentralbank und ihren konkretisierten Plänen zur Rettung des Euros. 


Draghi turns around expectations

While the headline indices of all regions dropped last month, August brings us a slight change to the positive especially in the realm of expectations. In the global aggregate, 6-months expectations improve slightly due to index movements for the Emerging Markets and Euroland. With his energetic appearances, the President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, is the main driver of this development.


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