sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

The Euroland-Virus has infected the globe

The development we could already foresee in the sentix data of April / May has now come to fruition. The economic weakness in Euroland is infecting the globe. All total indices for the 6 most important world regions have dropped, especially the US economy. Germany suffers the most.


Euro area turning into a global problem

The recession in Euroland is deepening. The sentix total index for the Euroland-economy has dropped for the third time in a row and has hit the lowest value since May 2009 at -28.9! Situational and  expectational values are equally affected. The development in Euroland is affecting the previous growth motors more and more negatively. Germany, the USA and the global index all drop clearly. This should now challenge the central banks. Low inflation expectations open space for this.


Euro area in recession mode

Last month's slumps are aggravated: the sentix total index for Euroland falls strongly by 9.80 points to -24.5 points. Especially the economic situation makes no secret of the fact that investors are acting on the assumption that Euroland is heading for a pronounced recession. The German economy is trying to lift itself out of this development, but the economic expectations cannot get away from the minus signs, either. The US economy has also begun to weaken.


Question marks, again

Investors hardly got used to economic glimmers of hope when a new disappointment appeared from around the corner. In April, after three consecutive rises, the sentix economic index for Euroland slumped. Current assessment and expectations dropped in unison. Current assessment even dropped to their lowest level this year. The question marks over a recession in Euroland are mounting once more.


Recovery, even in Japan!

The spring revival in the economic data continues in March. We were able to survey a rise in the respective total indices for all world regions. This leads us to be optimistic for the upcoming publication of the OECD Leading Indicator! Even for the buffeted Euroland-region, the sentix total index rises for the third time in a row. Neither rising oil prices, unrest in the Middle-East nor the latently smoldering Euro-crisis were able to sway sentiment at the moment.


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