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Germany takes off, the euro zone a breather
08 December 2013
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sentix Economic News
The composite index for the euro area drops in December from 9.3 to 8.0 points. The reason for this is a slightly clouded perception of the economic situation. Investors' expectations rise, however, to their highest reading since April 2006! Germany once more defies the development of the euro zone aggregate. The composite index for Germany rises by around two to now 32.1 points and, with that, to its highest reading in three years. Expectations climb, as they did already last month, to a new all-time high. This month's winner, however, is the US. Here, the composite index increases by over 10 points. This, in turn, drives the composite index for the global aggregate, which rises for the fifth consecutive month and has now reached a level last seen in April 2011.