sentix Survey results (32-2018)


Equities: No new quality in Sentiment

The stock sentiment remains bearish without really becoming extreme. At the same time, the bias does not reveal a new quality, especially as the problems in Italy play a greater role. The whole thing has an impact on exchange rates. We measure a negative sentiment impulse at EUR/USD and EUR/JPY. Precious metals attract for a contrary entry. The overconfidence index is low, the carelessness to put on falling silver prices is massive.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 31-2018

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Nur eine Fata Morgana?

Die Anleger haben lange Zeit einen Konjunkturabschwung erwartet. Nun scheint die Angst vor Zöllen abzuebben und es kommt eine neue Perspektive auf. Hat der heiße Sommer an den europäischen Bör-sen eine Fata Morgana erzeugt?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (31-2018)


Tactical opportunity in precious metals

The past week has had a big impact on investors: On the one hand, the European stock market is gradually becoming frightened, while at the same time the US stock markets are stimulating and thereby raising medium-term investor expectations. In this context, it is dangerous that overconfidence in US equities is increasing. There are also extreme signals in gold and silver, especially on the emotional side.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 30-2018

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Nachhaltige Stimmungswende?

Ein Stimmungsanstieg von 35% im Sentiment für deutsche Aktien lässt aufhorchen. Haben wir es mit einem generellen Sinneswandel bei den Anlegern zu tun, oder gibt uns der Stimmungsanstieg Anlass zur Sorge? Letzteres scheint der Fall.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (30-2018)


Significant improvement in equity sentiment

The sentiment on the stock markets is changing. Within a week, sentiment has increased significantly, with the German stock market being the most conspicuous. The sentiment for precious metals showed first signs of pessimism after a long time, although there was no feeling of fear after the sharp price drops. Investors are becoming more nervous on bonds. Neutrality is climbing to new 26-/52-week highs there.

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