sentix Survey results (42-2018)


No buyback tendency

Risk aversion is increasing noticeably. This can be observed in some style indices, which reach 24-month highs and lows in series. In addition to corporate bonds, small and midcaps are also losing out to investors. This shift in preference also prevents a tendency to buy back on the equity market - despite the much more favourable prices. The market is nervous, but by no means anxious. A final market shakeout has not yet taken place.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 41-2018

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Ignorieren die Anleger die technischen Signale?

Die Kursschwäche an den internationalen Aktienmärkten hat das technische Bild stark verschlechtert. Bereits seit mehreren Monaten – und auch hier schon kommentiert – ist eine Abnahme der Marktbrei-te zu beobachten. Nun kommen Umkehrformationen hinzu. Umso erstaunlicher ist die Gelassenheit hierüber im Anlegerlager.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results 41-2018


Little respect of the technical situation

The sharp price losses on the stock market did not really unsettle investors. The mood has deteriorated only relatively little. No question, the current sentiment cannot be described as fearful. Bonds, on the other hand, are in good spirits, as is gold. In the first case it is a positive sentiment impulse, in the second case the mood should slow down further price advances in the short term. In the monthly sector survey, auto stocks show bearish sentiment.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 40-2018

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Kaufsignale für Bonds

Die Kurse von Staatsanleihen dies und jenseits des Atlantiks standen in den letzten Wochen unter Druck. Die aktuellen Indikationen der sentix Themenindizes zeigen auch warum. Das hat die Stimmung für Bonds gründlich verhagelt. Doch eine schlechte Stimmung bietet Chancen!

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Bund Future, T-Note Future

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (40-2018)


Opportunity to buy - still in October

Very quickly the respect of the investors comes back: The stock sentiment diminishes its complete optimism of the previous weeks and lands again in the negative range. Fears of interest rates are the cause, which are rampant in the USA and also affect the European bond market. For investors, the picture is becoming round and they are increasingly confident of a clear opinion. Accordingly, the neutral's stock is being cleared.

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