sentix ASR Essentials 18-2016


Nikkei knocked back by deteriorating macro expectations

The latest sentix survey underlines the continued interplay between macro and market expectations. In the case of Japan, a bounce-back in economic expectations as Q1 drew to a close proved short-lived, with monthly readings weakening in the past month to -8.5 (from -5.5). This chimes with a reversal in readings based on investors’ medium-term strategic bias on the Nikkei 225, which are drifting back towards recent lows after briefly recovering in early April. Investors’ views on the Japanese equity market remain clouded by concern about its economic outlook. The only beacon amidst the gloom on Japan is provided by FX, with signs that survey participants have become a little less negative on USD/JPY in the medium-term (see Page 2 for charts).

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sentix Investmentmeinung 17-2016

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Außergewöhnliche Positionsdaten

Seit unserer Einschätzungsänderung für das Rohöl der Sorte Brent Mitte März haben sich die Preise weiter um fast 12 Prozent nach oben bewegt. Bislang war dies also eine klare Fehleinschätzung. Doch die Risiken für die Öl-Bullen haben sich seitdem keineswegs verringert. Obwohl die Grundüberzeugung weiter schwindet, werden die spekulativen Öl-Kaufpositionen weiter ausgefahren. Wir bleiben deshalb bei unserer Erwartung einer spürbaren Korrektur der Ölpreise.

Geänderte Einschätzung: keine

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 17-2016


Optimism on Crude not matched by investors’ strategic bias

The latest sentix survey indicates that investor optimism on Gold and Crude Oil has continued to grow as commodity prices have headed higher over the past month, helped by US dollar weakness and more encouraging signs on China and the global macro outlook. In the case of Crude, Brent looks on track to re-test $50 as we move into May, supported by a rising tide of near-term optimism. However, survey readings based on investors’ medium-term strategic bias on Crude have ticked lower in the past week and remain well down on their 2016 highs. While investors are upbeat on the near-term outlook for Oil, they are much less positive on its mediumterm prospects (see Charts 3-4, P2).

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sentix Investmentmeinung 16-2016

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Weder Fisch noch Fleisch

Am Aktienmarkt herrscht Kauflaune. Zumindest gilt dies für die Privatinvestoren, denn die jüngsten Daten zum Investitionsverhalten der Privaten belegen, dass die Aktienquoten in den Portfolios wieder erhöht wurden. Die institutionellen Investoren halten sich bislang vornehm zurück. Ihr Investitionsgrad ist noch weit von den Quoten entfernt, welche sie zum Jahresende 2015 gehalten haben. Sie verhalten sich damit konform Ihrer strategischen Einschätzung.

Geänderte Einschätzung: keine

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 16-2016


Investors still constructive on medium-term outlook for Equities

While near-term optimism on equities has weakened in the past week and remains at relatively modest levels, the latest sentix survey indicates that investors are becoming more constructive on global equities from a medium-term strategic perspective. In the Eurozone, investors’ over-investment in equities is edging back up towards longer-term average levels (see Chart 7a, p3). In the case of Asian equity markets, investors have also become markedly less negative on Japan and China from a strategic perspective (Charts 2-3, p2). This chimes with their more upbeat views on the outlook for commodities. On the other side of the sentiment divide, readings based on investors’ views on the medium-term strategic outlook for Bunds remain well below their Q1 highs. A move towards risk-on is still evident in survey readings based on investors’ medium-term strategic bias on markets.

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