Great interest in small stocks


Investors' interest in small and medium-sized companies continues to rise, reaching the highest level since April 2017. While investors are currently relatively modest in terms of their stock quotes, this subindex shows a relatively elevated risk appetite.


sentix ASR Essentials 16-2017


Commodities setback still a concern for EM Equities

The latest sentix survey suggests that the run up to the first round of the French election did little to distract investors from their increasingly positive medium-term strategic bias on the euro versus the US dollar. EUR/USD readings remain well above the lows recorded at the start of the year. At the same time, the recent revival in strategic bias readings on developed equity markets remains on track, along with the improved tone of sentiment towards emerging markets (EM). However, on this latter front, it is notable that optimism on commodities as a grouping is still weakening. The risk remains that continued caution on commodities proves a drag on EM equity sentiment. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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Gold sentiment at annual high


Die Stimmung zu Gold ist so gut wie lange nicht. Das gelbe Edelmetall profitiert von Kriegsängsten rund um Nord-Korea wie auch von der anstehenden Schicksals-Wahl in Frankreich. Die Luft für weitere Kursanstiege wird damit dünn.


sentix Investmentmeinung 15-2017

There are no translations available.

Risikowahrnehmung steigt, adäquate Portfolio-Anpassung fehlt

Wir werden nicht müde, auf die risikobehaftete Situation an den Märkten hinzuweisen. Der Vergleich zum Jahr 2006 ist weiter intakt und gibt für uns bislang das Drehbuch für die nächsten Wochen vor. Interessant ist an diesem Wochenende, dass sich die Wahrnehmung insbesondere zu kurzfristigen Risiken deutlich erhöht hat. Sichtbar wird dies am Sentiment zu den Aktienmärkten, einem binnen 4 Wochen verdoppelten VSTOXX und beim Stimmungsbild für Gold. Eine adäquate Anpassung in den Portfolien erfolgte jedoch nicht.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 15-2017


USD/JPY and EUR/USD in the sentiment spotlight

The latest sentix survey reveals some interesting FX developments. Pessimism on USD/JPY has reached five year extremes and is consistent with growing near-term pessimism on Japanese equities. A bounce-back in sentiment on dollar-yen would, accordingly, likely support sentiment towards the Nikkei 225. In the eurozone, increasing levels of ‘neutrality’ on the near-term outlook for EUR/USD point to heightened uncertainty on the euro ahead of the French election. However, any election uncertainties have done little to undermine investors’ increasingly positive medium-term strategic bias on the euro versus the US dollar. FX is in the sentiment spotlight on a couple of fronts. See page 2 for charts.

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