sentix Survey results (37-2018)


Interest rate side wobbles

The sentiment on the stock market is recovering significantly. This is due to the turn of many stock indices that have literally pulled their heads out of the noose. Conversely, the bond market is being dampened, which is essentially caused by a decline in fundamental confidence. On the currency side, the change in sentiment " pro euro " is taking shape, which should ultimately also have a positive effect on precious metals.

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Is the silver shine coming back?


The price of silver has suffered considerably in recent weeks. The troy ounce fell from almost 17 US dollars to just over 14 US dollars. And if you only look at the market price, there is still no end in sight to the downward movement. However, a first glimmer of hope is to be announced from the sentiment.


sentix Investmentmeinung 36-2018

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Starkes Sentimentsignal

Die Stimmung der Anleger ist in der abgelaufenen Woche regelrecht eingebrochen. Zu DAX und Euro-STOXX 50 messen wir Niveaus, wie wir sie seit 2007 nicht mehr gesehen haben. Was bedeutet dieses Sentimentsignal nun für die Kursaussichten der nächsten Wochen?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: DAX, EuroSTOXX 50, EUR-USD

Lesen Sie hier die Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (36-2018)


The bulls are tired!

The sentiment for US equities has deteriorated noticeably within a week. The bear surplus is now just short of 24 percentage points. Is now a good time for a contrary entry?

Click here for the full report

Emerging markets on a downward trend


In the last two months, investors have hoped that the economic downturn will be short-lived. This hope was largely lost at the beginning of September. From the perspective of the more than 1,000 investors surveyed by sentix, the economic sky darkens significantly, especially for the emerging markets. And this also has an impact on the developed markets.


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