Extension of the sentix database (May 2018)


The following new time series have been created and are available to data customers via our website or Bloomberg:


Italy back in the spotlight


The difficulties in forming a government in Italy and the prospect of a Eurocritical alliance between Lega Nord and the 5-star party have alarmed investors. Italy's likelihood of leaving the country rises sharply in May from 3.6% to 11.3%. For the eurozone as a whole, the sentix EBI Index rises to 13%, the highest level since April 2017. And there is another surprise!


sentix Investmentmeinung 21-2018

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Bonds im Aufwind

Die technische Ausgangslage bei Bonds hat sich in den letzten Tagen signifikant gebessert. Vor allem US-Bonds zeichnen sich u.E. noch immer durch ein gutes Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis aus. Auch bei Bundesanleihen liegt eine neue positive Indikation vor. Bei Aktien lockt uns der erste Lichtblick noch nicht aus der Reserve.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Keine

Lesen Sie hier die Ergebniskommentierung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (21-2018)


First ray of hope in strategic bias

In Strategic Bias, the first signs of stabilization are visible, but it is still too early for a turnaround, especially as the bias against the southern euro countries has fallen further. Investors reduced equity positions slightly in May, which improved the risk situation. At Bonds, we measure a positive sentiment impulse. Fundamental confidence continues to grow against the US dollar, but the chances of an interim EUR-USD recovery increase in the short term.

Click here for the full report

Sentiment comeback of the US dollar


The US dollar has made a respectable comeback in the last four weeks. Against the euro, the greenback appreciated by around 6 cents and also strengthened against the Japanese yen. This has significantly changed the mood, as measured by the sentix sentiment. In the short term, investors are not as bullish for the dollar as they have been since the end of 2016.


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