The ides of March


The "Ides of March", the anniversary of Julius Caesar's death, are also a special date on the financial markets. Often around this date (March 15th of a year) important trend changes or acceleration phases in existing trends take place. This can be seen in the seasonal charts of stocks, currencies and bonds.


sentix Survey results (08-2020)


Weak strategic confidence continues to weigh heavily on equities

In the course of the week, investors' concerns about the spread of the corona virus have increased significantly. This is mainly due to the fact that there are two new areas of high numbers of infection, South Korea and Italy. Drastic measures to contain the epidemic would cause further severe damage to the global economy. In any case, investors' basic confidence continues to decline sharply, reinforcing the tendency to reduce equity positions.

Further topics:

  • Precious metals: Euphoric mood
  • FX: Yen in focus
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Trump no longer the political nightmare


The latest sentix policy barometer reveals that investors no longer see the person of the US president as a burden on capital market development. The partial agreement in the trade dispute has also contributed to this.


sentix Survey results (07-2020)


Equities: No good news, bias rushes down

Since last Monday it has been clear that sentix economic expectations are being dampened for the first time after three consecutive rises. For the region Asia ex Japan (China) the decline is even more pronounced than in the other regions of the world. If economic expectations follow the decline in the Baltic Dry index, this could mean further difficulties. The stock markets (CSI 300) have so far reacted to the clouding only to a limited extent. The strategic equity bias is clearly collapsing globally.

Further topics:

  • Equities: Great sentiment divergence
  • FX: Dollar-Run
  • sentix Sector sentiment

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

World economy in the grip of the virus


While at the beginning of the year there was still a clear upswing scenario for the global economy, the outbreak of the corona virus in China has changed the situation significantly. The drastic measures taken by the Chinese government for the Hubei region show the danger to the global economy if the outbreak cannot be limited re-gionally. So far, however, the effects on the economy have been relatively limited from the point of view of the investors surveyed by sentix, even if they are significant for China. The strength of the USA is helping the global economy.


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