sentix Survey results (26-2020)


Irritation increases

Despite the considerable irritation and distortions caused by the corona crisis, the stock markets are largely developing in line with their typical seasonal profiles. This is particularly true of the DAX index. If this were to continue, a positive trend would have to develop over the course of the week, which could last until around July 20. In this issue, we examine whether the conditions for this are also present in terms of sentiment.

Further topics:

  • FX: USD continues to fall from grace
  • Commodities: All-time high in the silver sentiment
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Portfolio action requires justification


In March 2020, investors were in panic. Sentiment was poor and fears that the corona virus and lock-down measures would derail the global economy caused panic. And this in turn led to low investment levels and defensive positioning. But now, at the end of June, everything is better. Is it?


sentix Survey results (25-2020)


More risk, more fun?

The anniversary survey has some exciting results: Investors continue to enjoy precious metals and the bearish mood of the previous week is also easing for equities. What remains in the medium term, however, is a certain lack of prospects. Nevertheless, investors are increasing their risk in many sub-segments (see Styles), although the seasonally positive window for equities will close in 5 weeks at the latest.

Further topics:

  • Equities: The fears give way
  • Precious metals: Silver still favoured
  • sentix Styles – Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

1000! The sentix Global Investor Survey celebrates a special anniversary


What began on February 23, 2001 in the middle of the Internet bubble with an idea and 50 survey participants has now resulted in the 1000th sentiment survey: the sentix Global Investor Survey is celebrating a special anniversary! More than 5,000 investors from over 20 countries are now taking part in the sentix survey.


sentix Survey results (24-2020)


Mood slump

In the course of the week, the stock markets surprised us with sharp declines. On the part of our data, the weak basic confidence in particular spoke in favour of a certain caution. A clearer signal was provided by US option data. The put-call ratio was at very low levels and clearly showed speculative exaggeration. Adjustments are now being made to both indices. What does the slump in sentix sentiment indices mean?

Further topics:

  • FX: Euro basic confidence continues to rise
  • Precious metals: Still sought after by investors
  • sentix Sector sentiment

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)


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