sentix ASR Essentials 26-2014


Geopolitics of no interests to investors

Stock markets are still not impressed by the diverse old and new stress factors. A moderately bearish sentiment and a positive and stable strategic bias reflect investors who have sorrows in the short-term but are convinced about the stock performance in the medium-term. As far as bonds are concerned high spirits dominate the markets while the extraordinary constellation for EUR-USD prevails.

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Investors turn their backs at smaller companies


The results of the current sentix Global Investor Survey show that investors' risk appetite is waning. A very clear example here is the declining preference for stocks of smaller companies as mir-rored by the sentix Small Caps Index. This index falls in July and thus signals that more and more investors are turning their backs at smaller capitalisations – with the risk of a spill-over to the rest of the market.


sentix ASR Essentials 25-2014


Commodities optimism on the up

The sentix survey indicates that investor sentiment towards Commodities continues to improve. At an asset class level, sentiment readings are steadily pulling away from their 2014 lows (see Chart 3, page 2). At a market level, the latest survey revealed sharp improvement in short and medium-term sentiment readings for Gold (Chart 2). This improved tone of sentiment towards Commodities is consistent with the more optimistic views on the outlook for Emerging Markets that have emerged in recent months, though in the near-term survey participants have become a little less upbeat on the medium-term prospects for the Chinese market (Chart 4).

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sentix Market Profiles: Desperately looking for believers in the euro


The new sentix Market Profiles which shed a light on investors' expectations for the second half of the year 2014 show that forex market participants can easily be wounded at the current juncture. Expectations for EUR-USD have become extremely tilt to the downside. This represents an upside risk for the common currency! For stocks investors have longer-term a positive bias but in the short run there is potential for surprises on the upside, too.


Global economic momentum helps the euro zone


After having receded for two months in a row, the sentix economic index (composite index) for the euro zone increases again in July by 1.6 to now 10.1 points. On the one hand, investors assess the current economic situation as being better than last month. On the other hand, 6-month expectations also increase slightly after having weakened for four consecutive months. This stabilisation of expectations coincides with a European Central Bank taking new expansionary monetary measures. But a probably more important impact for the euro zone comes from the world economy as expectations improve even more strongly for the other regions in the survey. Posi-tive developments are especially pronounced for the US and for Japan. This should also have had a positive influence on investors' judgments concerning the euro area, too. Consequently, the euro zone now seems to bene-fit from a stronger world economy, while it was itself a prominent motor of global growth until just a few months ago.


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