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Der Jahresausblick 2025 ist publiziert!

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Germany's crisis is not shocking


The news is coming thick and fast in Germany at the moment. It has taken a long time for the economy and the media to wake up and increase the pressure on politics. Perhaps it is the hope that this will lay the groundwork for better times ahead. In any case, even the German economic data is improving a little. The composite index for Germany rose by 1.7 points. For the euro zone, this also means a slight recovery in the overall index to -12.8 points. Investors are also optimistic about the US economy in view of the upcoming US presidential elections, with the overall index rising for the third time in a row. China, on the other hand, still has to prove itself.


sentix ESG indices on Bloomberg

We would like to inform you that the sentix ESG indices are now also available on Bloomberg. These have the following tickers:

  • SNTISRH0 (Headline)
  • SNTISRI0 (institutional investors)
  • SNTISRP0 (private investors)

The histories of the data series start in March 2020.

Reaction to the Dutch election


The Netherlands has voted and given the euro sceptics a bit of a wake-up call. The Euro Break-up Index, which we rarely comment on at present as the situation in the eurozone is relatively stable, shows a relatively unusual swing in the sub-index for the Netherlands. This is certainly not high enough to act as a harbinger of crisis. But that could possibly change in the 2024 election year. We'll stay on the ball.

Data revision notification SNTL


Dear data client, due to a bug, a data point in the SNTL data sets for May 2010 was missing. We have reconstructed the data and added the missing data point to the data series.


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