Market psychology

Market psychology

The power of emotions

The power of emotions affect prices and trends in the markets.

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Sentiment research

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Broad spectrum

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Reaction to the Dutch election


The Netherlands has voted and given the euro sceptics a bit of a wake-up call. The Euro Break-up Index, which we rarely comment on at present as the situation in the eurozone is relatively stable, shows a relatively unusual swing in the sub-index for the Netherlands. This is certainly not high enough to act as a harbinger of crisis. But that could possibly change in the 2024 election year. We'll stay on the ball.

Data revision notification SNTL


Dear data client, due to a bug, a data point in the SNTL data sets for May 2010 was missing. We have reconstructed the data and added the missing data point to the data series.


Behavioral Finance: Understanding the Psychology Behind Financial Decision-Making


In the realm of traditional finance, economic theories often assume that investors are rational, utility-maximizing individuals who make decisions based on all available information. However, in reality, human behavior is far more complex and often deviates from these rational models. This realization has given rise to a field known as behavioral finance, which seeks to understand the psychological factors that influence financial decision-making and the subsequent impact on markets and economic outcomes.


sentix expands the policy barometer


We have expanded the Policy Barometer data set. Under the data code 'CL', we reflect investors' assessment of how they believe climate change policies are affecting capital markets.


Compendium and data package expanded


The sentix Compendium has been expanded to include entries on the indicator groups Policy Barometer, Risk Aversion Indices and Risk Levels. The explanations are available in German and English.

For some time now, we have been collecting weekly data on risk levels. These are published monthly under SNTZRLxx. This is the data from the survey of the third week of a month. Data customers who obtain the data via our website can use the tickers of the RISK family. Here, all data points requested are collected in a weekly frequency. There is no data publication in the fourth week of a month, as in this week the sentix positioning information allows a detailed look at the portfolio positioning and risks.

The tickers of the RISK family are:


The data is now included free of charge in all data subscriptions of the SNPB data package. The tickers are activated automatically.

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