sentix ASR Essentials 31-2017


Inflation expectations still benefitting bunds

Investor pessimism on Bunds has receded in the past couple of weeks, while survey respondents are also becoming less negative on Bunds from a medium-term strategic perspective, with survey readings much less downbeat than they were at the start of this year (see Chart 9, page 4). Monthly questions on bond ‘themes’, suggest investors view inflation as a much less Eurozone bond-bearish theme than it was coming into 2017. In contrast, economics is still seen as a notably bearish theme for bonds. While inflation expectations appear to be continuing to win out over bond concerns over economics as a theme, it may still leave bunds at risk from any signs that inflation is not as benign as believed. See Page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 30-2017

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Der Charme der Diskrepanz

Die Anleger haben Respekt vor der saisonal schwachen Aktienmarkt-Phase, die ab August beginnt. Dementsprechend trägt das Sentiment pessimistische Züge. Trotzdem erkennen die Anleger auch, dass über diese Zeit hinaus gedacht Chancen im jüngsten Kursrückgang europäischer Aktien liegen. Doch die Ängste überwiegen und führen insbesondere bei den Investmentprofis zu einer deutlichen Unterinves-tierung. Diese Diskrepanz versprüht den Charme eines konträren Einstiegs.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: DAX, EuroSTOXX50 sowie Rohöl

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sentix ASR Essentials 30-2017


Eurozone equity sentiment caught in the grip of euro optimism

The latest sentix survey revealed that participants are still running with below average levels of over-investment in equities, while pessimism on indices such as the EuroSTOXX remains notable. This latter development may, to some extent, represent the sentiment flipside of still high optimism on the near-term outlook for the euro, given the risk that euro strength begins to weigh on the outlook for exporters. Sentiment readings on EUR/USD did tick modestly lower over the week, albeit they remain elevated. Any further moderation in euro optimism over the summer might be the catalyst for renewed sentiment support for eurozone equities. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 29-2017

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Der Euro begeistert – die Aktionäre nicht

Die Märkte befinden sich im Sog der Wechselkurse. Die Euro-Stärke hinterlässt ihre Spuren am deutschen Aktienmarkt. Dies führt zu Extremwerten im Aktiensentiment wie auch euphorischen Zügen an den Währungsmärkten. Was bedeutet dies für die nächsten Wochen?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: neue Stop-Limite beim S&P 500 sowie Kauflimite bei DAX und EuroSTOXX50

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sentix ASR Essentials 29-2017


Near-term Euro optimism hits high-end of range

Last week’s ECB meeting has provided a further fillip to an already rising tide of optimism on the Euro versus the dollar. In the near-term, EUR/USD sentiment readings have reached the high end of their range of the past seven years, albiet optimism did reach even higher levels in 2010-11. Nevertheless, such elevated optimism suggests increased potential for near-term sentiment setbacks. However, near-term uncertainties aside, the latest sentix survey also revealed that survey participants’ strategic bias is also becoming ever-more positive. It appears that investors don’t view the currency as overvalued, and see further upside for EUR/USD in the medium-term. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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