Investors love technology stocks


The upturn in share prices in recent weeks has strengthened investors' appetite for risk - and rekindled old preferences. But are the winners of the last round also the favourites for the current rally?

Read the research here


sentix Survey results (45-2019)


Consolidation enters next phase

For more than two months we have been stressing the need to consolidate the gold price. Although strategic confidence is high, investor positioning was too high even for this bias. Now basic confidence is suffering a significant setback. Investors are sensing an economic recovery and interest rates are rising. This is probably too much for the yellow precious metal in the short term and the consolidation is moving into the next phase.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (44-2019)


Loss of confidence in US bonds

The reaction after the last FED meeting is clear: US Treasuries are suffering a loss of confidence, the strategic bias for US Longbonds continues to tip over. Investors have hardly reacted to this in their portfolios yet. Although the COT data still show slight short quotas, a stronger adjustment would have been expected due to the bias decline. This could happen in the coming weeks.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Investors increase their holdings


A look at the investor positioning data measured by sentix shows that investors have increased their equity quotas in the last two months. A sub-investment has turned into an over-investment. How does this change the risk situation for equities?

Read the research here


sentix Survey results (43-2019)


Good mood in the short-term

The mood on the stock markets has improved significantly in recent weeks and has reached a level that has rather marked upper turning points in the last 18 months. A closer look at the data reveals a relatively low number of bulls. In other words, many neutrally tuned investors are behind the good mood. And that in turn usually means a rising volatility!

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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