sentix Survey results (21-2020)


All-time high for Bitcoins

The corona crisis is really throwing the economy and our society into turmoil. An age of "disruption" seems to have arrived. Obviously, investors also expect major changes in our monetary system. On the one hand, gold benefits from this, as a traditional "safe haven" in currency crises. What is new is that digital currencies are also coming into focus. The basic strategic confidence for Bitcoins is rising to an all-time high!

Further topics:
  • Equities: brighter sentiment
  • FX: Basic confidence in the pound declines
  • Commodities: Oil remains attractive
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Are crude oil prices surprisingly positive in summer?


For the bulls in the crude oil market there was not much reason to be happy in 2020. Not only in the wake of the Co-rona crisis did prices come under heavy pressure. There was even a "singularity" in the US oil grade WTI at the end of April, when prices fell below the USD 0 mark on one day. But now there are signs of a chance of recovery.


sentix Survey results (20-2020)


Surprisingly bad sentiment

In the course of the week, the correction in equities has created an interesting constellation of sentiment. The sentiment values are tilting downwards again, the bias is holding its ground. In this issue we look at what this means. Equally interesting is the development of the strategic bias in EUR-USD. This is likely to put pressure on the positioning of investors who are currently positioned per euro in the long term. New lows in EUR-USD are therefore more likely.

Further topics:
  • FX: Selling pressure on the euro expected
  • Gold: Trend remains intact
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Retail sector with relative strength


The corona crisis is having a major impact on the stationary retail trade and manufacturers of the products sold there. Looking at data from platforms such as, customer frequency, for example in German cities, is still well below pre-crisis levels, despite the relaxation steps that have now been taken.


sentix Survey results (19-2019)


Depression causes paralysis

The sentix risk radar, which systematically evaluates various risk sub-components in investor and price behaviour, still indicates opportunities in shares and crude oil. Although the tailwind from sentiment and positioning has softened somewhat (at the market low in mid-March 2020 the Z-score was +2!) Nevertheless, it is clear where the markets are drawing the strength for the price increase from. The "wall of worry" is big.

Further topics:

  • Chinese equitiues: Light glance
  • Bitcoins: All-time high in bias
  • sentix Sector sentiment

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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