Successful test after the Bundestag elections


The economic momentum continues. The overall index for Euroland improves by 1.5 points and reaches a new 10-year high with 29.7 points. Current situation and expectations are improving to a similar extent. The first economic test after the Bundestag elections can be considered successful. The time series for German economy of the "first movers among the leading indicators" are clearly climbing and are promising an unbroken upturn - even under a changed government. The global economic engine continues to gain strength. For the US investors are shaking their intermittent worries and the region of Asia is also creating strong economic optimism. The sentix Global Aggregate also rises to a 10-year high.


sentix ASR Essentials 40-2017


Sentiment tailwind still supporting Nikkei and USD/JPY

The latest sentix survey suggests both near-term sentiment and investors’ strategic bias on eurozone equities has modestly weakened. However, in wider global equity context there has been little sign of a change of investor tack on Japan, with sentiment and strategic bias readings both heading higher as the Nikkei 225 index nears 2015 highs around 20,977. Investor sentiment towards the Japanese equity market remains closely tied to views on the Japanese Yen. It is encouraging then that even after the recent revival in sentiment on both Nikkei and USD/JPY, there is still some way to go before survey readings reach levels that would indicate risk of a reversal from an extended optimism condition. See Page 2 for charts.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 39-2017

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Goldener Aktien-Oktober?

Der von vielen Anlegern gefürchtete September war in 2017 ein ausgesprochen positiver Monat. 6,4% hat der DAX zugelegt. Damit zeigt sich einmal mehr, dass ein extremes Sentiment (im August hatten wir ein bearishes Stimmungstief!) wichtiger ist als saisonale, zyklische Kräfte. Gilt dies auch im Oktober?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

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sentix ASR Essentials 39-2017


Investors increasingly poles apart on Equities versus Bonds

The latest sentix survey indicates that investors remain resolutely upbeat on equities and deeply downbeat on bunds. As a result, the sentiment gap between bunds and eurozone equities is now large and growing, albeit the gap has yet to reach historic lows. In the case of equities, investors’ increasingly positive medium-term strategic bias on the EuroSTOXX is likely being lent support by growing caution on the euro, with EUR/USD medium-term strategic bias readings rolling over in recent weeks. The interplay between investor opinion on equities, bonds and the euro remains notable. It is a sentiment angle worth watching as markets move into the final quarter of the year. See Page 2 for charts.

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The Euro nice weather period is running out


Since the beginning of the year, the euro has been one of the stars in the foreign exchange market. Approximately 12% has the Euro gained in value against the US dollar. But now a trend reversal is emerging which could catch investors on the wrong foot. This is shown by the sentix Strategic Bias, which is at a turning point.


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