sentix Survey results (23-2022)


Another slump in sentiment for equities

The renewed slump in share prices is leading to a low in sentiment. US equity sentiment is at a similar low as in mid-May. In addition, the put-call ratio also jumps up. Investors are therefore increasingly looking to hedge. This will result in contrarian price opportunities until early / mid July, at the latest after the futures decline on Friday. Bonds, the big losers of the week, should also recover in price.

Further results

  • Bonds: This has not happened since 2008!
  • Political barometer: Eurozone in focus again
  • sentix sector sentiment

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Stabilisation? Not really.


At the beginning of June, the sentix economic indices show signs of stabilisation. In the Eurozone, both the situa-tion values (3.2 points) and the economic expectations (9.8 points) rose significantly. All in all, the overall index is rising again for the first time after three consecutive declines. At -15.8 points, however, the index remains clearly negative. The economy is still in a downturn. The international picture is also comparable. For the USA and Switzerland, however, the developments are somewhat weaker.


sentix Survey results (22-2022)


Strategic confidence in equities remains weak

The weak development of strategic fundamental confidence remains the Achilles' heel for share price development. With the exception of China, the stabilisation approaches of the last few weeks do not generate an improved value perception among investors. The summer period is likely to be difficult.

Further results

  • Bonds: Positive TD index
  • Gold: Opportunity for the bulls
  • sentix economic index: Tuesday 7th June 2022 at 10:30 CEST

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (21-2022)


Equity sentiment jumps sharply

The sigh of relief for equity investors can be felt in the data: sentiment scores for equities improve considerably, by up to 35% points, in the wake of the friendly share price trend. Is this a liberating blow? Hardly. Because the strategic bias does not follow suit, the TD values rise. Sustainability looks different.

Further results

  • Equities: TD indices unfavourable
  • FX: USD-JPY bias falls further
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (20-2022)


Tactical recovery opportunities exist

Sentiment for US equities remains depressed. However, even though equities have once again hit the lows of the previous week and even fallen slightly below them, sentiment can decouple itself positively from this. A positive divergence in sentiment is thus emerging. A tactical recovery movement is likely.

Further results

  • Bonds: Bias for US bonds continues to climb
  • FX: US dollar profit-taking likely to set in
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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