sentix Survey results (02-2023)


Bias development not convincing

The year is off to a flying start in many asset classes. Despite the record increase in equities in the first two weeks of trading, investor reservations persist - especially in the institutional camp. Consequently, risk appetite is also increasing, from which cryptocurrencies are now also benefiting. The sentix data situation is therefore by no means good. There are bright spots in the topic of crude oil. The Chinese stock market also convinces with a persistently strong bias increase.

Further results:

  • Bonds: Warning level reached
  • Crude oil: Constructive picture
  • sentix sector sentiment

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

It remains challenging


The January data in the sentix economic indices indicate a further improvement. In Euroland, the overall index rises for the third time in a row, improving by 3.5 points to -17.5. There is virtually no change in the assessment of the current situation, with only the expectations values signaling a greater easing of the situation. This basic trend can also be seen in the German economic figures: The assessment of the current situation remains almost unchanged, while expectations have risen by 7.3 points. It can thus be seen that the economic environment remains challenging. Despite the improvement, both subcomponents remain in deep negative territory. There is a glimmer of hope for Asia at the start of the year: expectations for the Asia ex Japan region (especially China) are rising dynamically. The end of the restrictive Corona measures in China is generating hopes of better times ahead.


sentix Survey results (01-2023)


Professionals step out of line

The new year is off to a good start, at least the fears of a dangerous gas shortage in Europe do not seem to be coming true thanks to the mild weather. This leads to sharply falling prices on the energy markets and thus to the hope that the central banks could soon initiate a turnaround in monetary policy. We examine how this environment affects investor expectations.

Further results:

  • Bonds: Professionals remain interested
  • Silver: Sought after at the start of the year
  • sentix Economic Index: Monday, 09.01.2023, 10.30 a.m.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (52-2022)


New Year's issue

Welcome 2023! We wish all sentix participants, customers, friends and supporters a happy new year. At the beginning of the year, major differences in strategic assessment are emerging. While the outlook for equities is mixed, gold is enjoying a high level of popularity.

Further results:

  • Equities: Selective bias
  • FX: Euro bias dips again
  • Gold: Still shiny

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (51-2022)


Christmas Edition

We wish you a Merry Christmas with your loved ones and all the best in the New Year. At the same time, we thank you for your active participation in the surveys in 2022. You will find enclosed a brief commentary on the current results.

Further results:

  • Equities: Selective Overconfidence
  • FX: Continued unrest on the currency side
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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