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Investors’ confidence in equity markets plunges – a “bearish” signal


Investors’ confidence in major equity markets suffered a blow recently as analysed in the latest sentix Global Investor Survey. The strategic optimism continues to fall to a 52 week low for German equities. Likewise, confidence in East Asian equity markets have been significantly hit.


sentix Investmentmeinung 53-2015

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Kalte Dusche zum Jahresauftakt

Die Märkte enttäuschen die Anleger. Obwohl die Grundüberzeugung der Anleger zu Aktien seit Wochen fällt, wirkt der Kursverlust zum Jahresstart wie eine kalte Dusche. Willkommen im Jahr 2016, dem Jahr, in dem „Risikomanagement wieder eine Bedeutung erlangt“. Das Grundmotiv unseres Jahresausblicks wird damit sehr früh im Jahr ins Gedächtnis der Anleger gerufen.

Geänderte Einschätzung: Alle Aktienmärkte, Bund-Future, USD-JPY

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sentix ASR Essentials 53-2015


New Year ... Old concerns on Equities from strategic bias perspective

The first sentix survey of the 2016 provides some old and familiar messages in terms of investors’ views on markets. Positioning questions late last month revealed that survey participants are running with above average levels of over-investment in eurozone equities, set against modest near-term optimism on markets. However, the latest survey suggests there also remains a high degree of investor pessimism about the medium-term strategic outlook for indices such as the EuroSTOXX, albeit survey readings ticked a little higher over the week (see Charts 2-3, page 2). Coming into 2016, investors appear to remain wary about the medium-term strategic outlook for equities.

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Exit discussions are in 2016 again on the agenda


The risk of a breakup of the Eurozone had calmed down until the autumn, in parallel pulled the refugee crisis the full attention of the public. But the “exit-issue” comes in 2016 again on the Agenda: The sentix Euro Break-up In-dex (EBI) rises to 14 points in December. This is the second increase in a row. The perception of investors is changing and more countries will be increasingly traded as an exit candidate.


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