sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

Stabilisation? Not really.

At the beginning of June, the sentix economic indices show signs of stabilisation. In the Eurozone, both the situa-tion values (3.2 points) and the economic expectations (9.8 points) rose significantly. All in all, the overall index is rising again for the first time after three consecutive declines. At -15.8 points, however, the index remains clearly negative. The economy is still in a downturn. The international picture is also comparable. For the USA and Switzerland, however, the developments are somewhat weaker.


"We are also harming ourselves"

War only knows victims. The traces of the Ukraine conflict are also becoming increasingly visible in the economy. The sanctions against Russia are having an effect, on enemies and friends alike. Last month, the "first mover" economic index clearly pointed the way towards recession. At the beginning of May, the downturn deepened further. Europe is hit particularly hard. The overall Eurozone index drops to -22.6 points. And for Germany we report an all-time low in economic expectations. In other words: it's coming thick and fast.


The recession begins

When it comes to the question of when the recession began in the Eurozone, economists are likely to determine the beginning of the second quarter of 2022 as the start of a recession in retrospect. This is at least the conclusion we have to draw from the current data of the sentix business cycle indices. At the beginning of April, the sentix economic indices collapse. The overall index plunged again by a full 11 points after the weak March value. Both the situation and the expectations indexes are now negative, and the economy is thus beginning to shrink. At the moment, no other global region can provide a real counterbalance. Even the Asian region is already stagnating.


Ukraine crisis causes economy to slump drastically

The economy in the Eurozone slumps dramatically due to the Ukraine crisis. The overall index falls to its lowest value since November 2020, with expectations eroding particularly sharply by -34.75 points. This has never happened before in the 20-year history of the sentix economic index! The picture in Germany is also comparable. The Eastern European region suffers particularly strongly and falls into a deep recession. The US economy is also being hit by the crisis shock, although not quite as hard. On the positive side, the economic situation there re-mains at 29.8 points and so far only indicates an economic slowdown. The Asian economic region is also in the wake of the global downward trend.


View on USA and Latin America

The economic situation in the world is relatively stable in February compared to January 2022. In Euroland and al-so in Germany, we measure a slight improvement in the situation and expectations. In Asia, the picture is mixed. The development in the USA is problematic. Here the overall index is falling for the third time in a row, which is due to the decline in expectations. The signals we are receiving from Latin America are encouragingly positive.


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