Market psychology

Market psychology

The power of emotions

The power of emotions affect prices and trends in the markets.

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Sentiment research

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Broad spectrum

Broad spectrum

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Sentiment on stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities - from institutional and private investors!


Centralized, decentralized - no matter


Is it coming now, the corona app, which allows contacts and infection paths to be traced more quickly in the event of illness with the SARS Cov2 virus? For a long time there was a dispute about the architecture. Where will the data be stored? Centrally at an authority or provider. Or decentralized on the user's end devices, as demanded by data protectionists? As is often the case when there is a bitter dispute about something, there is a danger that the view for the decisive questions is lost. The so-called halo effect of Behavioral Finance sends its regards. Other attributes of the app are in our opinion much more decisive!


Börsenpsychologie: Emotion ist stärker als Ratio

There are no translations available.

Smart Investor im Gespräch mit Manfred Hübner, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der sentix GmbH

zum Artikel im Smart Investor 09 2016.

The new sentix survey


It starts with the survey on September 9th ...the sentix Global Investor Survey gets a new face and much more! For non-German participants it is a great leap forward!

Since 2001, sentix tracks investor closely and accurately in the worlds biggest sentiment survey. But for non-German speaking particpants, the user experience was not always great. This will change!


Emerging-markets bonds back in demand


In May, sentix Emerging Markets Bonds Sentiment rises for the third time in a row while institutional investors rediscover the asset class for themselves. This should have a continued positive impact on the prices of emerging-markets bonds for still some time.


Special survey on European elections: Risks for EUR-USD and refinancing conditions of the periphery!


As the European elections between May 22nd and May 25th are approaching, sentix has set up a special survey on the topic. In this survey we have asked investors what impact on several capital markets issues they would expect to have a large success of Europe-critical parties in these elections  (survey running from April 24 to April 26, 922 participants). Here, we present and discuss the results of the survey.


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