sentix Survey results (26-2019)


Gold positioning now relatively bullish

In recent weeks, investor interest in gold has increased significantly. The rise in prices reflects the purchases of investors, who have finally followed their positive basic convictions of recent weeks. In the short term, this exhausts the price potential. The strategic bias remains strong, but the portfolios are now invested in favour of gold. An interim consolidation, triggered by profit-taking, could then prepare a positive continuation of the trend.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Seasonally July is more exciting than May


Saisonal ist der Juli spannender als der Mai

Die DAX-Saisonalität entspricht in diesem Jahr relativ gut der typischen Saisonalität. Während in den Medien meist der Mai als Verkaufsmonat diskutiert wird, ist der Juli der viel spannendere Monat.

Lesen Sie hier weiter (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix Survey results (25-2019)


Bullish US equity sentiment

With the achievement of new all-time highs in the S&P 500 Index, the mood has also changed fundamentally. Whereas at the beginning of June we were still able to measure high pessimism and diagnose a buying opportunity, sentiment is now as high as it was in September 2018, for example. sentix sentiment signals are to be captured much more clearly than, for example, a mood derived from the put call ratio. We will show below how we assess US equities.

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Nothing speaks for banks at the moment...


Nothing speaks for banks at the moment...

...and there's a chance in that. The sentix sentiment sector for banks reached a value of -2.4 standard deviations in June, one of the lowest values measured by sentix since 2001. From the point of view of the contrary sentiment analysis, such a finding makes us sit up and take notice and in principle expect rising prices.

Read more here (sentix registration necessary)

sentix Survey results (24-2019)


Bella Italia? Not for bonds.

The discussion about Italy's debt sustainability and the possible introduction of mini bots have led to a new all-time low in the strategic bias on Italian bonds. A new negative record has also been set relative to German bonds. Will this provide new food for the euro crisis? Already in 2017, a negative relative development in bias was a harbinger of a price weakness of BTPs in the summer.

Click here for the full report

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