sentix ASR Essentials 39-2016


Optimism burning brightly on Oil post-OPEC

Last week provided a couple of notable sentiment twists. On the equity front, nearterm sentiment on eurozone equities was undermined by heightened concerns over Deutsche Bank, though those investors polled continue to hold with their positive view on the outlook for global equities from a medium-term strategic perspective. In commodities, in last week’s review we noted the heightened near-term uncertainty on Crude ahead of the OPEC meeting. In the event, the unexpected OPEC agreement on an output cut resulted in a sharp increase in optimism on the nearterm outlook for Crude Oil, though sentiment readings are still below historic highs. More notably, investors have also become markedly more positive on oil from a medium-term strategic perspective. See charts 2-4, page 2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 38-2016

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Strategisches Unbehagen am Rentenmarkt

Die Grundüberzeugung der Anleger am Rentenmarkt ist seit Jahren gestört. Die intensiven „Bewirtschaf-tungsmaßnahmen“ der Notenbanken haben das Grundvertrauen der Anleger systematisch untergraben. Ablesbar ist dies am konstant negativen Votum im sentix Strategischen Bias zu Bundesanleihen. Innerhalb dieser gestörten Vertrauensbeziehung kippt aktuell aber dieser Bias nochmals deutlicher ab. Auch wenn die EZB sich einen guten Teil der Investmentnachfrage in Euro-Staatsanleihen selbst schafft, könnte diese Entwicklung die Kurse am Rentenmarkt dennoch belasten.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: Bunds, Rohöl

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sentix ASR Essentials 38-2016


Investors upbeat on Equities; but uncertain on Oil

The latest sentix survey revealed a sharp pick-up in near-term optimism on equities, alongside a continued positive view on the outlook for global equities from a medium-term strategic perspective. In the case of the eurozone, this comes at a time when survey readings based on participants’ medium-term strategic bias on Bunds are becoming more negative. In short, those investors polled favour eurozone equities in absolute terms and versus bonds in the medium-term. In commodities, while sentiment on Oil is relatively neutral, the survey points to heightened near-term uncertainty on Crude ahead of this week’s OPEC meeting. This suggests increased volatility is possible as news filters out of the meeting in Algiers. See charts 2-4, page 2).

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sentix Investmentmeinung 37-2016

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„Nothing to fear but fear itself“

Die aktuelle Lage an den Aktienmärkten wird mit dem Zitat von Franklin D. Roosevelt, welches die Überschrift unserer heutigen Ausgabe der Investmentmeinung schmückt, ganz gut umschrieben. Sorgen, Krisenherde und Fragezeichen gibt es allenthalben genug. Doch die Entwicklung im Datenkranz zeigt, dass zwar die Stimmung gedämpft, dass Grundvertrauen aber geradezu unerschütterlich ist. Nach dem „dreifachen Hexensabbat“ (Options- und Futures-Verfall letzten Freitag) richtet sich der Blick nun auf das vierte Quartal.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: S&P 500, Bunds, Gold

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sentix ASR Essentials 37-2016


Commodity caution yet to curb EM Equity optimism

While investors are becoming more pessimistic on the near-term outlook for equity markets, they remain upbeat on equities from a medium-term strategic perspective. On the emerging markets front, investors’ faith in the medium-term prospects for Chinese equities remains undiminished. This chimes with continued optimism on emerging market (EM) equities as an asset class. However, the latest monthly questions on asset classes also point to a weakening in sentiment towards commodities. A continued set-back in commodity sentiment would be a concern for EM equities given that sentiment on both asset classes remains closely linked (Charts 2-4, p2).

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