sentix Survey results (51-2020)


The time has come: profit-taking is on the agenda

Now it comes on the agenda, the profit taking! The strategic bias for equities buckles this week more clearly downward, which can be interpreted as a harbinger for upcoming sell-offs. Since at the same time the sentiment shoots up, the unfavorable starting position for stocks in the next trading weeks completes itself. The 2020 Christmas rally is thus likely to be over.

Further results:

  • Silver: Bias delivers buy signal
  • Bitcoins: Exuberance
  • sentix Styles - Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (50-2020)


Significant cooling of the mood

The sentix economic expectations are literally going through the roof in December. This economic euphoria has recently also led to a significant increase in the risk parameters in investment behavior. The stock bull market is therefore no longer a foregone conclusion and is more susceptible to corrections. Fortunately, the consolidation week that has just ended has helped to reduce the risks that have been highlighted.

Further results:

  • FX: Euro with headwind
  • Bitcoins: Consolidation completed
  • sentix Sector sentiment

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (49-2020)


Short-term exhaustion

Investors' propensity to speculate is currently particularly high. This is not only evident with regard to the US options markets. The sentix risk levels are also very high. The coming “calendar week 50” has already often disturbed year-end hopes. Without such a short-term adjustment, it will be difficult for shares to generate any noticeable price gains. Too many investors are currently betting on the apparently secure year-end profits.

Further results:

  • FX: EUR-USD with tactical short signal
  • Gold mines: Bias incrase
  • sentix economic indices: Monday, 07.12.2020, 10.30am
Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (48-2020)


Investor strongly increase their equity holdings

This week, the stock markets have further consolidated the sentiment impulse from the US election week. However, the high level of basic strategic confidence remains positive. As a result, TD values remain in negative territory and are thus well away from a sell indication. A further seasonal strength phase is now beginning, which will last until around December 6th. 2020 could therefore still end on a positive note for equities. Precious metals, on the other hand, will probably find it difficult to set any further positive accents in 2020.

Further results:

  • FX: Yen strength not yet over
  • Crude oil: Basic confidence continues to rise
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds
Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (47-2020)


Stable basic confidence

This week, the stock markets have further consolidated the sentiment impulse from the US election week. However, the high level of basic strategic confidence remains positive. As a result, TD values remain in negative territory and are thus well away from a sell indication. A further seasonal strength phase is now beginning, which will last until around December 6th. 2020 could therefore still end on a positive note for equities. Precious metals, on the other hand, will probably find it difficult to set any further positive accents in 2020.

Further results:

  • Precious metals: Not much more to expect in 2020
  • Crude oil: Basic confidence increases
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior
Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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