Headwinds increase again


After several months of improvement in investors' assessments of the economic situation and expectations, there is a new headwind for economic development at the beginning of March. In the Eurozone, the economic situation scores improved again, for the fifth time in a row. However, the economic expectations show that we are by no means at the beginning of an upswing. Eurozone economic expectations dropped sharply to -13 points. The situation is similar in the other regions of the world. The expectation values are characterised by clear de-clines across the board.


sentix Survey results (08-2023)


Rising Vola indicated

Medium-term confidence in equities continues to crumble, with investors taking refuge in the neutral camp. For the Japanese Nikkei 225, we measure the highest level in the Super Neutrality Index since January 2022, which suggests rising volatility on the equity markets.
Bonds could benefit from this. Their best wild card is the TD index. Silver also puts an exclamation mark despite the ongoing price weakness!

Further results

  • Bonds: TD index as a wild card
  • Silver: Exclamation mark despite price weakness!
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

Compendium and data package expanded


The sentix Compendium has been expanded to include entries on the indicator groups Policy Barometer, Risk Aversion Indices and Risk Levels. The explanations are available in German and English.

For some time now, we have been collecting weekly data on risk levels. These are published monthly under SNTZRLxx. This is the data from the survey of the third week of a month. Data customers who obtain the data via our website can use the tickers of the RISK family. Here, all data points requested are collected in a weekly frequency. There is no data publication in the fourth week of a month, as in this week the sentix positioning information allows a detailed look at the portfolio positioning and risks.

The tickers of the RISK family are:


The data is now included free of charge in all data subscriptions of the SNPB data package. The tickers are activated automatically.

sentix Survey results (07-2023)


Seasonal weakness ahead

Before the start of a seasonal weak phase, sentix sentiment data sends contradictory signals. Basic strategic confidence is falling, paving the way for profit-taking. Sentiment, on the other hand, is as bad as it usually is at the end of corrections. Investors are well advised not to take too much risk.

Further results

  • Bonds: Negative sentiment
  • FX: Euro and Yen signals
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (06-2023)


Equity Sentiment wobbles around

The stock sentiment does not provide a clear trend at the moment and is hovering around the zero line. At the same time, the bias is eroding, which does not bode well for the upcoming expiration week. Clearly better develops the investor behavior on the commodity side. In addition to crude oil, silver in particular looks very good. The TD index gives a new buy signal.

Further results:

  • Crude oil: Constructive
  • Silver: TD buy signal
  • sentix sector sentiment

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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