sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

Sink flight

After the declines in expectations had already indicated a turnaround in the previous months, a significant eco-nomic slowdown must now be assumed. All regions of the world are on a downward economic trend. Expectations in the Euro zone are also negative for the first time since July 2016. The customs disputes, fueled by US President Donald Trump, are leaving their traces. The emerging markets are holding up marginally better, even if the same basic trend prevails there.



U. S. President Donald Trump's comments that he wants to impose fines on certain products did not only alarm the EU Commission. Investors surveyed by sentix also react clearly. Economic expectations for all regions of the world are declining significantly. Expectations in the eurozone are losing more than 11 points. In Germany, which is already experiencing a weakening of the economy, we are even recording a negative expectation for the first time since February 2016. However, the expectation value for the USA is also falling by more than 10 points. A wake-up call for the US president to reconsider the matter of protectionism.


Vote of no confidence against the GroKo

In February, economic momentum in the euro zone is weakening somewhat. The total index drops by one point to 31.9 points. While the situation may continue to improve, expectations have fallen to their lowest level since February 2017. Germany plays a major role in this process. The GroKo negotiations are not well received by investors. Expectations drop by more than 6 points! In the rest of the world, however, investors surveyed by sentix believe that the economic situation remains robust.


Danger of overheating

In January 2018, there was no sign of a loss of momentum in the sentix economic indices, which we were able to detect in the beginning of December. On the contrary: all regions of the world show a stable, positive and moderately improved economic picture. The US economic expectations, which are stimulated by the tax reform, have improved particularly significantly. In the eurozone, too, progress is continuing. And even latecomers such as Eastern Europe and Latin America continue to improve. The upswing is thus broad and synchronous. The likelihood of overheating is increasing.


Excellent situation, expectations diminish

The sentix Economy Index for the Eurozone concludes its series of rising highs and returns 2.9 points in December. Expectations are responsible for this, with a more pronounced drop of 6.0 points. The assessment of the situation, on the other hand, can even increase slightly (+0.7 points). The values for Germany are also falling. The overall index dropped by 3.3 points to 39.1 points. Economic expectations have fallen by 5.3 points. There is also a calming effect on the global economy. Falling expectations dominate, with the emerging markets losing the least in relative terms. The autumn revival seems to be coming to an end.


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