Climate change and a market economy - a throw-in


The two biggest challenges of our time, climate change (which is currently being reduced to CO2 savings) and inequality in the distribution of income and wealth, could be tackled with one stone. And all in the sense of a market economy and not a planned economy. And using new techniques like the blockchain.


  • World population 7.5 billion people
  • CO2 what the planet tolerates: x billion tons per year, which must be reduced by x% per year.
  • Everyone has the same right to life on this planet.
  • But every human being has different abilities and needs.

To make it easy to calculate, we set x times to 7.5, it's all about the principle. While income is distributed in money according to ability, willingness and willingness to perform, etc., everyone is entitled to the same proportion of CO2.

Now, in addition to a cash prize, we also give every consumer good a CO2 prize that is commensurate with the expenditure. For example, Mallorca holidays cost 500 euros and 100 CO2 units, one kilo of meat 10 euros and 1.5 CO2 units, etc. The rich can theoretically buy a lot more, fly a lot more, etc. But they will need more CO2 units than allocated to them. Other people who are poor or eco-conscious may not have enough euros for their lives but CO2 units too much.

What we now need is a secure, decentralised and corruption-free trade in CO2 between people. Blockchain technology is used here. If you want to fly around the world like the Green MEP from Munich, you have to share your money with the poor or people who are really ecologically conscious.

We don't need stupid regulations on how we build. A poor grandma can stay in her unrenovated house if she gets along with her CO2.Rich people on the other hand who now lack the CO2 content of the grandmother to live their lifestyle, must either dig deep into their pockets (e.g. renovate the house for her) or change their behavior. Allow people the freedom to fly or cruise, but make real prices - in Euros and CO2.

Companies can compete in the market not only through the cheapest price, but through the CO2 minimum production. Even the tech giants will now get a price. Internet is not CO2 free. This is how innovation is really promoted. It is not the companies that should receive CO2 certificates and trade with them, as is currently the case, but the people. And all should be treated equally in the basic resources of the world that we are all entitled to, like air and water.

A proposal, therefore, which should give equal pleasure to people who are socially committed, ecologically conscious and market-economically minded.

Dear children, a plan for the future looks like this. Without bans, with market. Without ideology, with reason. Do something about it, you're the future.

#FridaysForFuture #ClimateChange #MarketEconomy #Blockchain #NewThinking

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