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Sector sentiment on Bloomberg

Good News for all sector sentiment data clients!

We have greatly expanded our sector sentiment coverage. Additional to our relative z-scores data, we publish the absolute sentiment data now as well. You find the tickers on our data codes list or in Bloomberg (SNTS<GO>). The tickers follow the same methodology as the older ons, but ending in A instead of 6.


SNTI and SNTZ data delayed

There are no translations available.

Dear data client,
due to a technical problem, the data for the sentix Styles indices (part of 'preference and behavior data package') cannot provided in time. We are working on the issue and hope to have the data ready for download by Monday night. Please notice, that the data you receive on Bloomberg are not the final numbers and will be revised by the upcoming update. We will inform you by mail as soon as the delayed data is available to you.

Data codes affected by this issue are starting with SNTIxxxx and SNTZxxxx.

All other data items are available and correct.

We apologize any inconvenience for you and thank for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Your sentix database team

Data error at SNTVEYI0

Dear data client,

due to a software error, the values of the ticker SNTVEYI0 were calculated wrongly. This data is derived as a calculated series from the sentix values on EUR-USD and USD-JPY. The error led to a wrong sign, so we corrected the series by multiplying all values by -1.

The numbers of SNTBEYI6 and SNTMEYI1, which are basic components of the wrong series, were not affected from this error.

We apologize any inconvenience for you and thank for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Your sentix database team

New sector sentiment data

sentix expanded its range of information on European equity sectors with information about the dispersion of the sector assessments. Under dispersion, we understand the spread of the sector assessments. To this end, we calculate the difference between the most positive and the most negative assessment based on the sentix sector sentiment values. The greater this difference, the more the sector estimates are scattered. We then speak of great dispersion. An extremely high or low dispersion may be a signal for a trend reversal constellation on overall market level. In particular, a very high dispersion may be an indication of a structural market  break.


Bloomberg updates finished

As we have written in our sentix database newsletter (April 2013), we have completed the integration of all new sentix series into the Bloomberg system. The overview pages will be up to date within the next days (see SNTX<GO> ff.).

With the completion of this task, we will delete outdated ticker symbols from our database. For example, you find the medium-term expectations of investors now in the indicator family SNTB sentix Strategic bias instead of the group SNTM sentix Market sentiment. Also, all positioning information is now available in the SNTA indicator family. Discontinued series will be marked in the Bloomberg system as "historic" and not updated anymore.

If you have any questions regarding our database or the changes made, please contact us anytime.

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