Newsletter April 2013
12 April 2013
Posted in
Database news
With this newsletter we would like to inform you about changes in the sentix database and your sentix database service.
1) Data adjustments
Due to a computing error we had to change the values of the following series:
These time series are Z-Scores of the positioning data, which are not affected by any adjustment.
2) Changes in indicator names
We have specified the names of some time series. Please check the current indicator names by visiting our list of data codes here
3) Changes in ticker symbols
The tickers for the new sentix Euro Break-up Indices which are part of the SNPB and Complete data packages are now starting with SEBI in the first four digits. The previous code SNTB is no longer used for this indicator family. If you are working with this data already, please update your data codes accordingly.
The SNTB tickers are now used for the sentix Strategic Bias. This is no new data but a spin-off of the SNTM data group. The reasons for this change are the following: The 1-month market expectations are now called sentix Sentiment to emphasize that this data reflects market sentiment. The codes for sentix Sentiment start with SNTM (SNTMESH1 for Euro Area Equities headline sentiment for example).
The 6-month expectations however, show a different behaviour than the 1-month expectations as this data rather reflects investors perceptions of value than of sentiment. Consequently, we have changed the name to sentix Strategic Bias and created the new family SNTB (SNTBESH6 for Euro Area Equities Strategic Bias, for instance). The previous codes (like SNTMESH6 for the sample series) will be maintained at least mid 2013. Nevertheless, we would recommend to switch to the new codes as soon as possible.
All series of the SNTW family are now part of the SNTA family. Therefore, the SNTA family is now called sentix Investor Positioning and hosts all investor positioning series. The current SNTW series will be maintained until mid 2013. Please use the new codes as soon as possible.
All series of the SNTI family reflecting sentiment on asset classes (e.g. SNTICBH6) are now part of the SNTF family. The current series will be maintained until mid 2013.
All series of the SNTI family reflecting investors risk aversion are moved to the new SNTZ family. These series are Z-Scores of the data of investor risk attitudes in the SNTI family, which will be maintained. These series are now called Risk Attitude Indices and are now revised.
4) Changes on Bloomberg
The sentix database on the Bloomberg system will be changed accordingly within the next weeks and all new data will be available there too.