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    February 2016 results

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    Global economy on the brink

    Who thought the collapse of sentix-economic indices in January were a one-time event will be disappointed with the February data. Although the values for Asia ex Japan recover something, this month results do not shape a fundamentally new image. In particular, the loss of momentum in Germany and the United States weighs heavily and stresses that the global economy is now in a very fragile state.

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    January 2016 Results

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    After New Year’s Eve yet another china cracker

    That’s not what many investors have expected: right at the start of 2016, investors have to farewell certainties of 2015. Dark clouds arise in the east and could carry more than just light showers. it seems undoubtedly reasonable that the Chinese business cycle face a period of significant slow down, rather it seems like a hard landing. Such a scenario would not pass the Eurozone without damage.

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    December 2015 Results

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    No ECB money, no funny

    Economic expectations for the Eurozone continue to rise contrary to the global trend. Amid slightly lower growth in global economic momentum, the Eurozone stands out. Explanations should be found in the latest ECB statement. The December round of ECB stimulus felt short of expectations, however, the embracement of ECB’s “whatever it takes massage” has worked yet again. Without more ECB stimulus the Eurozone would most likely be in accordance to the global outlook.

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    November 2015 Results

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    Recovery is back on track

    Sentix captures a significant sentiment swing regarding global economic expectations in November. Neither signs of a seasonal depression of investors’ mood nor a November bias can be traced in the latest sentix data. With the exception of Austria, investors’ economic expectations rise for all major world regions. Of particular significance is the change of economic trend in Asia ex. Japan. Apparently, Chinese administration has been successful in restoring confidence in the potential of the Chinese economy.

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    October 2015 Results

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    The west follows the emerging markets

    The sentix Economic Indices on the Eurozone are lower again for October. Both, economic expectations as well as current situation values have dropped. Economic expectations for Germany are lower – the current situation values approach the zero-line alarmingly fast (1.8 points). The Eurozone headline index sinks to 11.7 points from previously 13.6 points, the lowest reading since January. The values for the USA are in decline. All index components edge down as economic expectations decline to +2.3 points. The only glimmers of hope are the emerging markets as values stabilise at low levels.

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    September 2015 Results

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    Economic expectations collapse globally

    In September, the sentix Economic Indices drop significantly driven by strongly falling indicators for Japan and for Asia ex Japan. Against the background of the turbulences in China investors cut back strongly their assessments and expectations regarding these regions' economies. Furhermore, the rest of the world enters the maelstrom. While for Latin America and Eastern Europe ever darker clouds gather now also the economic expectations for the hitherto stability anchors, the US and the euro area, fall markedly.

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    August 2015 Results

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    Asia a burden on global economic momentum

    Uncertainties regarding further development on the Chinese stock markets are now also heavily impacting economic expectations for the Asia (ex Japan) region, which have fallen considerably and are now at the September 2012 level. This weakness is expanding increasingly to other regions, causing expectations for all other observed countries and regions (except Austria and Switzerland) to decline as well.

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    July 2015 Results

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    Euro zone defies Greek crisis

    Despite the increasing confusion surrounding the fate of Greece the composite index for the euro zone rises in July. While investors’ 6-month expectations remain about stable, their assessments of the current situation improve significantly. This constellation signals that market participants already behave as if the euro area was in a boom! In addition, the strong rise of the US index stands out. At the same time, though, the picture for the emerging-markets regions gets ever cloudier which, all in all, points to a world economy losing further steam.

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    June 2015 Results

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    Global momentum fades, but Japan takes off

    All in all, sentix Economic Indices point to lower dynamics in the world economy indicated by weaker 6-month expectations for the Global Aggregate. However, developments are rather heterogeneous among the regions: While investors trim back their expectations for the euro area and for Germany, they raise them for Japan and the US. And, at the same time, as a rate hike by the Fed this year becomes more probable, investors’ perspec-tives for the emerging-markets regions get cloudy.

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    May 2015 Results

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    Eastern Europe helps Austria

    In a particularly remarkable way the composite index for Austria rises this month. It signals that after a long peri-od of weakness a recovery has returned to the country. An important reason for this should be the relaxation of the tensions in Ukraine. Austria benefits strongly from economic improvements in Eastern Europe as it has firm ties with the region. Apart from this, the upturn in the euro area stabilises. And while the assessment of the cur-rent US situation weakens, 6-month expectations for the United States are back on the rise!

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