sentix Survey results (45-2020)


"shake-up experience” of a special kind

The high level of pessimism in the stock market sentiment during the previous week turned out to be an ideal contrarian entry signal. The subsequent counterattack on the global stock markets impressed investors, flanked by the outcome of the US presidential election. This creates a "shake-up experience” of a special kind: investors realize the improvement on the global political stage and raise their sentiment by around 55 (!) percent. The jump in sentiment is to be understood as a sentiment impulse.

Further results:

  • Equities: Fourth strongest sentiment impulse in history
  • Crude oil: Bias turns up
  • sentix economic index: New data on 09th Nov. 2020 / 10:30 CET

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (44-2020)


Parallels to the first lockdown

The second lockdown, whether light or not, imposed in many countries has contributed to considerable uncertainty among investors. Sentiment levels are falling sharply. But surprisingly, basic strategic confidence remains unaffected. This is a statistically promising starting position, but unfortunately also one that resembles that of the end of February 2020. So it will be exciting in the short term.

Further results:

  • FX: Euro consolidation not completed
  • Oil: Bearish sentiment

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (43-2020)


The Corona-Regret Aversion

The number of new corona infections is increasing worldwide, the US presidential election is approaching. Does this increase the price risks from the perspective of Behavioral Finance analysis? The risk radar indicates moderate opportunities. By comparison, at the end of August we had a much higher risk setup. In addition, the stock bias signals growing confidence, and there is still a need for action in the portfolios, especially among institutional investors (see positioning data on p.5).

Further results:

  • Equities: Price risk? Not really!
  • Gold: Still constructive
  • sentix investor positioning in equities and bonds

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (42-2020)


Collapse in sentiment

The importance of investors’ basic trust measured by the strategic bias at sentix, for the development of the share price can be seen from the positioning behaviour of investors in US technology shares. The bias increase has been reflected in a clear reversal in the COT data over the last two weeks. Does this mean that the recovery is already over? The sharp drop in sentiment last week and stable fundamental confidence argue against it.

Further results:

  • FX: Euro consolidation not completed
  • Gold: High basic confidence
  • sentix styles - Investor preferences & behavior

Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

sentix Survey results (41-2020)


Equities: Best mood since mid February 2020

The "wall of fear" is slowly breaking down. We are measuring the highest sentiment among equities since the beginning of the Corona crisis in mid-February. sentix leads the movement with its indicators as a "first mover". Many a sentiment index will have to follow this in the next few days and weeks. One example is the AAII in the US, whose bear quota is still high. On the positive side, the fact remains that the stock bias is going through the roof in many countries.

Further results:

  • China equities: Bias goes through the roof
  • Bonds: US bonds increasingly on the sidelines
  • sentix sector sentiment

 Click here for the full report (requires a sentix registration)

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