Extension of the sentix database (May 2018)
29 May 2018
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Database news
The following new time series have been created and are available to data customers via our website or Bloomberg:
New data on US bonds
- SNTBTYP6 sentix Strategic bias US bonds (7-10J) Private investors
- SNTMTYP1sentix Sentiment US Bonds (7-10Y) Private investors
- SNTNTYP1 sentix Neutrality Index US Bonds (7-10Y) Private investors (short-term)
- SNTNTYP6 sentix Neutrality Index US Bonds (7-10J) Private investors (medium-term)
- SNTVTYP0 sentix Time Differential Index US Bonds (7-10J) Private investors
- SNTRBBP6 sentix Relative sentiment Euro Area Bonds vs. US Bonds Private investors
The data became available through the extension of the sentix survey and show historical data since 09.09.2016.
In addition, the SNTSDZxx sentix Sector Sentiment Dispersion Index is now also available in Bloomberg. These indices show the dispersion between the sentix sector sentiment data and are calculated as z-scores.
If you have any questions about this or other sentix data, please contact us at support@sentix.de