Extension of the sentix database (March 2018)
20 March 2018
Posted in
Database news
We are glad to announce the addition of new data series to the sentix database (also available in Bloomberg):
SNTA - investor positioning
- SNTACOP0 investor positioning in commodities of individual investors (absolute level)
- SNTACOI0 investor positioning in commodities of institutional investors (relative to benchmark)
- SNTAEAI0 investor positioning in emerging markets equities of institutional investors (relative to benchmark)
- SNTAEBI0 investor positioning in emerging markets bonds of institutional investors (relative to benchmark)
- SNTABFP0 investor positioning in euro area bonds of individual investors (absolute level)
SNTO - sentix overconfidence index
- SNTOD4OI Overconfidence German Bunds (7-10y)
- SNTOG4OI Overconfidence UK Bonds (7-10y)
- SNTOJ4OI Overconfidence Japan Bonds (7-10y)
- SNTOU4OI Overconfidence US Bonds (7-10y)
These series are now also available in Bloomberg.
If your data license does not cover the new data, please call us to extend your data coverage.