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    June 2021 results

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    Current situation gains momentum

    The economic catch-up process continues and above all the situation is now assessed much better than four weeks ago. No wonder, since more and more restrictions are being lifted in Europe after the Corona case num-bers declined significantly. In Euroland, the situation index rises by 15 points to 21.3. This is the highest value since November 2018. The same can be observed for all other world regions. We also measure further increases in the sentix indices in Latin America and Eastern Europe, where economic activity has been subdued so far.

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    May 2021 results

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    The global economy is beginning to show signs of overheating. The situation assessments in all regions continue to improve. With the exception of Latin America and Eastern Europe, we measure positive values everywhere. The Corona-related recession phase has ended. At the same time, expectations remain high. Investors therefore expect a continuation of the current upswing, which is increasingly perceived as a boom. This has a noticeable ef-fect on the situation on the bond markets. Investors expect reactions from the central banks.

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    April 2021 results

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    sentix Economic Index: Strong increase in the current situation - worldwide!

    • The sentix Business Cycle Index for the Eurozone rose sharply in March by 5.2 points to its highest level since February 2020. Above all, the situation scores improved significantly. The economic recovery is thus continuing.
    • In Germany, the increase is not quite as strong, but the overall index of 11.9 points is still the best value since November 2018.
    • The improvements are evident in virtually all regions of the world. It is essentially the situation scores that are improving significantly everywhere, indicating that the global economy is emerging from the recession caused by the Corona pandemic. The overall global index rises for the eleventh time in a row to now +20.5 points.

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    March 2021 results

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    The global upswing

    At the beginning of March, the global economy is on a sustained recovery path, increasingly driven less by expec-tations for the future and more by improvements in the assessment of the situation. The global situation index rises for the tenth time in a row to 5.5 points, the overall index even for the eleventh time in a row to the best value since March 2018. The picture is basically the same in all world regions, the upswing is thus broad-based. In Euroland, the situation assessment also improved significantly from -27.5 to -19.3 points, despite continuing re-strictions in many countries.

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    February 2021 results

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    Europe clearly lagging behind

    The sentix overall economic index for Euroland falls by -1.5 points in February to an index level of -0.2 points. The lockdowns in many European countries are leaving their mark. For Euroland, the assessment of the current situation falls by 1.0 points, while the expectations component drops by 2.0 points. A similar trend can be observed for the assessment of the German economy. The international picture is different. The US economy in particular is setting an exclamation mark. However, Japan and the Asia ex Japan region are also continuing to recover.

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    January 2021 results

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    Expectations overshoot

    The sentix economic expectations for Euroland continue to develop very positively. Although large parts of Europe are suffering from a lockdown and the Corona pandemic seems to be flaring up again in other parts of the world, such as Japan, economic expectations continue to rise. In Euroland, they reach 33.5 points, the highest level since records began in 2003. This very positive assessment of expectations is likely to be very much in line with the prospects of a successful vaccination campaign. For in contrast, the situation is moving along very slowly, and in Asia we are even measuring a decline!

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    December 2020 results

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    sentix Economic Index: Vaccine releases boom-like growth forces

    The Corona crisis year 2020 will end with a bang, which will set several exclamation marks for the global economy. In our December results, we have a series of all-time highs (!) in the expectation components of various world economic regions. Hopes for an early use of vaccines are fuelling the fantasy that the economy in 2021 will recover more clearly than previously expected from the consensus.

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    November 2020 results

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    Asia makes it better!

    The rising number of positive PCR test results is causing politicians to fear an uncontrolled spread of the corona virus. Although the serious consequences of a lockdown on economic development were experienced in March, most governments in Europe are going down the path of renewed contact restrictions. Although these do not have the same negative effect as in March, they do dampen the economic recovery process. Surprisingly, however, the effect on the sentix business cycle index is surprisingly limited at -1.7 points on an overall index of -10 points. The reason for this "mild lockdown" is probably the positive dynamics in Asia and the USA.

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    October 2020 results

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    Asia continues to pick up, Euroland stagnating

    The economic recovery in Euroland takes a breather in October. After five successive improvements, the sentix overall economic index for the euro zone fell marginally by -0.3 points to -8.3 points. However, the current situation continues to improve, reaching its highest level since March 2020. The data does not reveal any significant risk element in the short term, as the expectations index remains at a higher level despite a decline of 2 points. The outlook for Germany looks somewhat better than for the euro area as a whole. There are positive developments to report, especially from Asia ex Japan and the US.

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    September 2020 results

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    Fifth consecutive increase

    The economic recovery, which has been observable globally since May 2020, continues in September. In Euro-land, but also in many other regions, we are measuring the fifth consecutive rise in the overall indices. A positive aspect is that the expectation values remain stable, i.e. the improvement is largely driven by the current situa-tion. However, these values are still largely in negative territory, meaning that the recessionary tendencies have not yet been fully overcome. In an international comparison, Switzerland and Asia ex Japan stand out.

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